One-to-One Devices


The One-to-One technology initiative provides an individual learning device (Chromebook or laptop) for each student and teacher and will serve to remove barriers to students’ ability to access instructional materials from school and home.  Students and families who have no or limited internet service may also have access to a hotspot to further reduce challenges of learning at home.  These devices are the infrastructure for DCSS Learning by Design – the instructional options offered to DCSS students and families for successful individualized learning.

The Douglas County School System (DCSS) is committed to its mission, vision, and goals and to providing the resources and support necessary for student and teacher success.  DCSS recognizes that to succeed in today’s environment and compete in the 21st Century global community, students must be:
● digitally literate;
● strong critical-thinkers;
● strong problem-solvers;
● able to collaborate;
● connected to the world around them.

Individual learning devices allow students to develop these skills in the traditional or virtual classroom and practice them outside of dedicated instructional time.  Enhanced, authentic learning experiences facilitated by digital learning platforms create new opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of state standards.

During times of traditional classroom learning, students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade will have access to individual learning devices each day while at school. These students will be issued devices to take home as needed for periods of digital learning. 

Students in 3rd through 12th grade will be issued individual learning devices for use at school and home at the start of each school year.

While digital devices serve to enhance learning experiences for all students, guidelines for use are essential to ensure safety and continuity of services. Parents/guardians and students are required to review and follow all guidelines and expectations as set forth in the:
● DCSS Student Handbook
● DCSS One-to-One Resource Guide
● DCSS Terms and Conditions for Use of Individual Learning Device
● DCSS Digital Citizenship Pledge

A $25 annual technology fee will be assessed from each student.  The fee will cover minor repairs, replacement of batteries and other costs associated with electronic devices.  Inability to pay the fee will NOT prohibit a student from being issued a device.

Failure to adhere to any of the guidelines, expectations, and/or terms and conditions for use may result in termination of access to a learning device and/or progressive disciplinary consequences depending on the infraction. Students are expected to use a district-issued device ONLY in ways that are appropriate as described in the DCSS ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY IFBG and corresponding regulation IFBG-R1 whether at school, at home, or elsewhere.  DCSS Acceptable Use Policy IFBG and Regulation IFBG-R1  may be found in the DCSS Policy Manual.

Device Assignment
Students will be issued an individual learning device and accessories for their sole use. The device should not be used by other students, friends or family members. Students are expected to have their device fully charged at the start of each school day.

Device Software
The Google Suite for Education is the DCSS approved learning platform and can be accessed by logging into Classlink. (See the One-to-One Resource Guide for more information.) DCSS has researched and determined key applications which are preinstalled on each device.  Throughout the year, additional applications may be added to support learning. Purchasing and installing these applications is the responsibility of DCSS. No one other than an authorized school official may add or delete applications from a district issued device. 

Guidelines to Successfully Maintain District-Issued Learning Devices
● Cords and cables must be inserted and removed carefully to prevent damage to the cord and/or device.
● Avoid leaving the device in a vehicle where it can be seen and stolen and/or damaged by extreme temperatures.
● Report any software/hardware issues to your teacher as soon as possible.
● Keep the device in a well-protected, temperature-controlled environment when not in use.
● Never allow another individual to borrow or use a district-issued device.
● Do not share password(s) with anyone.
● Keep food and beverages away from all devices and accessories.
● Do not disassemble, attempt to repair, or hack into any part of a district-issued device.
● Do not put stickers, marker drawings, or decorations or markings of any kind on any district-issued device or accessory.
● Do not deface the serial number sticker on any district-issued device.

PLEASE NOTE:  There should be no expectation of privacy in the use or materials created and/or stored on any DCSS device or digital resource. District-issued devices are subject to inspection at any time without notice and remain the property of DCSS.

Acceptable Use Outline
The following outlines the responsibilities students accept when they use any DCSS learning device and associated digital resources/tools.  All technology must:
● Support learning and teaching
● Exemplify digital citizenship
● Adhere to the DCSS Terms and Conditions for Use of Learning Devices
● Prepare students for post secondary options
● Follow DCSS Student Code of Conduct and all local, state, and federal laws

All students will complete a
Digital Citizenship Course(Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Lessons) to ensure they understand how to utilize the device in a safe, responsible, and legal manner.  Students will also agree to and sign the DCSS Digital Citizenship Pledge.  This pledge encourages students to:
● Take care of their district-issued device
● Protect private information for themselves and others
● Respect themselves and others in online communities
● Stay safe online by listening to their gut feelings
● Stand up to cyberbullying when they see it happening
● Balance the time they spend using media and doing other online activities
● Give proper credit when they use the work of others

All devices and accessories issued must be returned by the date communicated by the school which may be prior to the last day of school. In the event a student needs a learning device for summer learning programs, the device will be re-issued under new terms.

All devices and accessories issued to students must be returned to DCSS, when requested, in satisfactory condition: no signs of intentional, extensive damage or misuse of the exterior, the internal components and hardware, and all DCSS installed programs, applications, security settings, and programs are unchanged and operational.

If a student transfers within or outside DCSS, all issued equipment must be returned immediately to the school. If a student leaves DCSS, the student’s DCSS storage account will be deleted.

Students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade will have access to a learning device while at school. In the event a student requires a device to be taken home, the student is responsible for adhering to these DCSS Terms and Conditions for Use of Learning Devices.

Students in grades 3-12 will be issued a learning device (and accessories) and will be responsible for adhering to these DCSS Terms and Conditions for Use of Learning Devices.

Students will be responsible for transporting their assigned equipment to and from school. If the parent/guardian wishes to waive the opportunity to transport the device to and from school, notification must be filed, in writing, within 30 days of the beginning of the school year or the date of enrollment. An
Opt Out Waiver Formis available for this purpose.  If the parent/guardian waives the opportunity to transport the device to and from school, students will use the device at school, and will be expected to have the ability to access create, and share educational content from home.

The student understands the learning device and its associated accessories belong to the DCSS. Students and their parents/guardians understand and agree that students are granted permission by the DCSS to possess and use the device and its accessories in accordance with the defined conditions of use. Students and their parents/guardians understand that students have no expectation nor right to privacy for any student information or content contained in the device or storage account. DCSS reserves the right to access and inspect all student activity, documents, emails, applications, and downloaded software whether online or stored on the device at any time.

As a condition of using the learning device and associated accessories, the student agrees to use the device to create, access, and/or share digital content intended for educational purposes only. Students agree to reasonably and appropriately use the device such as not to cause intentional and/or extensive damage to the device, its software, applications, its operating system, the school’s network, or its associated accessories.

Students must comply at all times with the DCSS Terms and Conditions for Use of Learning Devices. Any failure to comply and/or violation of the terms and conditions may result in the termination of a student’s possession and use of the issued device and associated accessories and the device and accessories must be immediately returned to the school.

Reporting Loss, Theft and Damage
Students will be expected to immediately report lost, stolen, or damaged equipment to the school. If a device is stolen, the parent/guardian must also immediately file a police report. If the device is not recovered, and/or sustains damage, the student/parent/guardian will be responsible for up to $250.00 of the replacement cost of the device and its accessories. If full replacement cost is collected by the district, the device then becomes the property of the student. If it is found that the student intentionally damaged the device or its accessories or allowed another person to take possession of the device, they may be subject to DCSS disciplinary action.  (NOTE: Insurance companies offer policies at nominal ratesthat cover replacement costs.  Parents/guardians may choose to purchase one of these optional policies.)

Check in/Check out Procedures
Schools will define their internal process for issuing devices.  
Students will receive their device after the User Agreement Form is signed and returned.

The Learning Device User Agreement is required to be completed, signed and returned in order for a DCSS learning device to be issued to the student. If you have questions or concerns about your student using a device, please contact the school administration.

Families have access to some simple troubleshooting steps located on the
DCSS Parent Support Portal